We are Christian and Andrea and we are currently living in Barcelona since Andrea decided some years ago to move from her beloved home town, Zaragoza.
Since we are kids, traveling has been one of our passions. We have been able to do it with our families, but the real adventure started when we meet each other and we did it one of the pillars of our life.
Traveling for us is like the air, breath, enjoy and get to know a really beautiful part of life. We believe that we are in this world for a reason and that’s one of the main reasons of this travel blog, share this passion and contribute to other travelers that share this passion and that need to travel and know this amazing world we have in front of us.
Do you want to know which places we were in and what places make us fall in love with traveling? This is our travel CV, where you can see all this places we have visited. Our intention is to color much more places on it!
By the moment, we leave in green the places we have been (not all of them have blog guide yet) and in red, our next trips.
Click on the places you are interested in to discover our guides and trip tips!
Haz click en el botón y obtén automáticamente el descuento en tu compra.